Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sneaky Goodness...

Last week I broke into Phil and Elizabeth's apartment. ALL WEEK! As my wedding gift to the happy couple Tricia and I stole their house keys and cleaned their place. When they came home from the honeymoon they were greeted by the site and scent of a squeeky clean home...

Sometimes I just love dishing out the unexpected!

Thursday, August 06, 2009

As You Wish...

I took a quiz on Facebook.

"Which Princess Bride character are you?"

I am Miracle Max. I have to say I agree with this assessment. I'm not the lead romantic character. I'm not the one consumed with revenge. I'm not a simple minded giant with a heart of gold, and I'm not a scheming little fool. I am Miracle Max. I'm part of the fabric of the adventure. I'm vital to the story. I save the day and make you laugh. That's the perfect role for me. In the film, and in life.

This weekend Phil is marrying Elizabeth. The "theme" to their love story is The Princess Bride. It is so sweet and romantic that I would make fun of it if I didn't know how well this suited them. Phil is most definitely a Dread Pirate Roberts in life. He's an adventurer. He's quick witted and strong. He loves with all that he is. It's no wonder to me then that he found Elizabeth. His Princess Buttercup in every way. Watching them is like seeing two perfectly matched pieces coming together. It restores my view of love.

We very rarely get second chances at love in this world. Some of us don't really get first chances. It does my heart good to see what is possible. I am happy beyond words to see true love in action. I pray every day that their marriage is a good one. I don't pray for endless happiness and other unattainable things. I pray that they grow together, and change together. I pray that they appreciate each other. I hope they see every day with one another as a blessing and a privilege.

On Saturday I will witness this wedding. The business of two becoming one. I will be proud to be part of it all. It will be a celebration to remember and at the end of the day my Family will be bigger. What an awesome thing to look forward to!