Thursday, April 15, 2010

30 Something....

I'm turning 30 next week. I know some people get really stressed about leaving their 20's but not me. I'm feeling very comfortable with this transition. It's like my mind and my body are finally syncing up. So what do I want going forward? I only have one goal in mind. I want to know that my life is leaving ripples....
My Mother's life is still impacting people. God knows I'm nowhere near as remarkable as her, but I like to think that I'm leaving a distinct impression on the people around me.
I hope that I inspire people in some way. We're only given this one life. One chance to be useful in the role God cast us in. I may fail a hundred times a day, but I intend to get this one thing right. May I always be open to being used by the God who created me.

Thursday, April 01, 2010