Wednesday, June 06, 2007

The Art of Healing...

It's funny to me how one simple act or choice can destroy years of hard earned relationship. Someone you have trusted with your heart for decades can turn against you in a moment. Nothing on earth hurts more than having your emotional security blanket yanked out from under you. These are the things that leave scares for life and in some cases, open wounds that never heal. People heal at different paces I suppose. I know I for one am still fully damaged by the course things have taken over the last few years. So many different forms of loss and hurt... I am less forgiving than some, and more forgiving than others. I'm trying to rebuild wherever possible. I'm not as open as I used to be. I protect my heart in a crusty shell I've built for it. I measure my words. I guard my thoughts. I am slow to love. Even slower to trust. Yet that is my journey. I would never for a moment tell someone else how to feel. It would be as useless as assuming we all grieve in the same way at the same time. How foolish! Who could ever heal like that?

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