Sunday, October 29, 2006

Cash Wembley...

Well folks, after two months of having little Cash in my home I've decided that I'm just not the best mom for him. I couldn't have asked for a sweeter little man. But, the truth is he's just not catching on to life with a Fairy Princess. After thoughtfully weighing my options, I have decided to send him to the one place I know he will be treated just as well as he would if I kept him as my own. Yep, he's now officially a Brown. Cash Wembley Brown. My best friend has welcomed him to her family with open arms. He now has a full house of folks to adore him and two big brothers to teach him the ropes. The best part is, I'll still get to be a part of his life. Everyone knows (with the exception of Ms Diva starbucks) I'm a better auntie anyhow! Thank you Kim for stepping in where I could not. I love you. Congrats on your new little boy!!! Too sweet....

1 comment:

Gail said...

Mandy, that was a very good decision. I bet Diva is dancing for joy. Or is she sad? It is hard to give up a pet but to the right family, in your heart you know all is well. Cool..Aunt Gail