Saturday, May 10, 2008

Hello Dolly...

Last night I went downtown to the Chicago Theatre to see Dolly Parton. What an AMAZING show! I have seen her perform many times. I even sang with her myself once... It never gets old. She always delivers. The energy and heart Dolly brings to every performance makes her one of the greats. I loved the show. I feel connected to my childhood whenever she sings. I refer to her as a link to my "past life". I've been a devoted fan since the days before my Mother died. I've loved her since before the floor dropped out of my universe.

Over the last decade or so I have hardened. My heart has grown a bit calloused. I've changed, and evolved as I've faced difficult challenges and soul crushing loss. I can't help it. It's a survival method. I'm still fun, and loving, but there is a rough edge to my personality. I am relieved to see that when I'm lost in music, my heart is young again. Dolly's music is like an old friend. Visiting my old friend last night was great for my soul!


Anonymous said...

I think, maybe, you need to see Dolly more often...

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you got to see her, and that you had a blast!