Thursday, November 17, 2005

Joy, Joy, Joy, Overflowing!

Last night I experienced an early Christmas miracle. When I got home, everything was tidy and fresh. My assistant had cleaned my house earlier that day. She was sweet enough to leave me a note explaining the things she had done, and the trial of scrubbing glue off my new kitchen floor...

And then the miracle.

Teri had decided that my passion for coffee could not wait until Christmas as my Father had suggested (he had it on good authority that Santa was bringing me a new coffee maker). There on the counter... Gleaming white like a gift straight from heaven, was my brand new coffee maker! My joy was similar to Ralphy in A Christmas Story. Red Ryder... Eat your heart out!

Thank you Teri for your kindness, and generosity. There will be a piping hot mug of "Michigan Cherry" with your name on it Sunday morning!

I hope everyone is having a lovely week. Mine is definitely picking up!


1 comment:

PixieGirl said...

Mmmmm Bleachy Goodness! =)

Love You Forty Nerdy!