I would like to say "Thank you" for the kind suggestion of an assisted living condo. I'm sure loads of people have thought that up for me as a great solution. However, it's just never going to happen. I am way too independent and active to move into that lifestyle. Losing my "normality" would not be worth the consistency of care in one of those places. At least here, I can hire and fire people at will. In a care facility you are given far less control over your environment. As much as I do hate going through this stuff, I'd be far more miserable if I had to change how my life is managed. I don't need a nurse, a nanny, or a babysitter. I simply need honest, hard working people who care about keeping a Fairy Princess afloat.
Lets all just pray that I find what I need.
God Bless!
You are an amazing woman, I became
disabled 4 yrs ago and you give me hope that I can one day live on my own and work, When ever I start to feel down I read your bog and feel better it's not easy not being able to go out on my own or work, But you give me the hope I need to know it could happen. Thank you for giving me hope. Your a wonderful person and are truly my hero.
I am just catching up with you...I promise I haven't forgotten you. I am praying for you right now! *hugs* You are such an awesome and beautiful woman. Hang in there!
Oh yeah, sorry - your cute little Diva doesn't count! :)
On another topic... you have my prayers for your situation. That you will find 2 consistent & full of integrity assistants... I have followed along and shaken my head in disbelief at the frustrations you have had with some of your employees. Keep pressing on!
Assisted living...are we nuts???
I keep trying to reply to this suggestion and I can't seem to do it without writing something bizerker.
- becca
An attempt at a bizerker-free reply...
Will an assisted living caregiver go to the movies with Amanda?
Will they take her to the tanning salon and put her little heart sticker on?
Will they dress Diva in cute clothes and take pictures?
Will they go to Wal-Mart and help pick out sexy underwear and fun pajamas?
Will they cuddle up for conversations about philosophy, guys, kids, religion, movies, books, the afterlife, the now life, love, hate?
Will they give a crap when the last caregiver hasn't changed the vacuum bag for 3-months?
Will they hang with her family and friends?
Will they apply lotion to her latest tattoo?
Will they play with Diva?
Will they be fun?
Or will they just BE there...?
Becca, I love your heart! You are so good at saying what you think and I feel. I love my little sister and would never see her go into an assisted living home knowing her it would just make her scream!
You really don't have to be so hard on the person who suggested assisted living. I'm sure they thought they were being helpful and although it's not an option, you don't have to beat anyone up for coming up with the idea. Just say "no thank you"!
I think it's important to think about how a suggestion like assisted living could feel.
When someone is down and going through a tough time, probably feeling vulnerable and uncertain about the future (the future being as specific as "How am I getting dressed tomorrow morning?"), I would imagine it doesn't take long for negative self-talk to creep in.
How helpful or hurtful is it for someone to then make a suggestion like assisted living (ie. "there are places for people like you.")?
I doubt that the person making the suggestion was trying to be mean, and I don't recall reading anything like "there are places for people like you", however, I do understand what you are saying, and Mandy, I am sorry if my comment sounded insensitive. I truly do admire you and wish you much success in finding trust-worthy assistance.
I was not offended by the person's comments. Nor was I rude in my post regarding assisted living. It just goes to show you that the people who know me best,know how I would feel in that situation. Perhaps I'm not doing a good enough job of expressing my personality on this blog.I find it sweet of both parties to have my best interest at heart. I also don't believe Becca was quoting the person who wrote their suggestion. Merely trying to express her feelings as to what that suggestion felt like to her. Free speech folks, it's a really neat thing.
Sorry Mandy. It was Becca's first comment to this posting that I thought sounded a bit "edgy", not your actual post. And I truly didn't mean to step on either one of you. You are both wonderful women. Press on!!!
My comment was "edgy" because I was upset at the suggestion. I hate seeing what these assistant situations do to Amanda (but I love the opportunity to fill in!). I guess, or at least am trying to believe, that you'd have to know her to know how silly of an idea assisted living is. I mean, assisted living is an option people usually chose for *others* and rarely for *themselves*.
I appologise if it came across that I was trying to "beat anyone up" but I really can't honestly appologise for my opinion!
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