Monday, June 05, 2006

Now Would Be A Good Time To Give Up...

But I won't!

Pray for me friends. I'm in WAY OVER MY HEAD. It seems like this happens every few months or so, but here we are again. I'm in the market for not one, but two assistants. Thankfully my weekday mornings are still covered, but everything else is up in the air. I don't need to go into details, but for reasons beyond anyone's control, both of these ladies are no longer able to work for me.
Please pray that I find the exact right people to care for me. I'm so very tired of this stuff. I know that I'll be ok, but some days I just can't feel it.


Barb K said...

Hey, Mandy,
This bites again...Have you ever tried Craig's List? They have job postings on there. It might be something. You could list McHenry as the location required.
Will be praying, don't give up.
Love you, Aunt Barb
PS The kids LOVED their camping birthday gifts. I was pooped from setting up and taking down the tents!

Anonymous said...

Mandy, Have you ever thought of living in an assisted living condo? There you would NEVER, never have to worry about all this mess every couple months. Just a thought for you. I follow your blog. Have a nice week. NS