Tuesday, May 17, 2005


Here's my thought for today. Why is it that we can be so loving and excepting of others when they don't yet have a relationship with God, and then be so cruel and full of judgment towards other believers? This whole concept baffles me. Christianity is a journey, a walk with God. Why then do people feel the need to push their walking pace on others? And isn't it normal to expect believers to occasionally walk backwards? If God can accept that we are humans on a journey, why can't we accept that from one another? Spiritual accountability has NOTHING to do with judgment. God will judge each of us Himself. "Accountability Partners" does not refer to every Christian I know. Just because we are both Christians, and friends, does not mean I'll invite you into my dark spots. It is a core of trusted friends who I have ASKED to watch out for me. This doesn't give anyone power over my decisions, and choices, it just means that I have invited a few trusted friends into my most vulnerable places. If something is "off" I would expect them to talk it out with me. However, these friends that I pick to share my dark corners with, must love me unconditionally. For the record: If you are in a partnership like this one and you can't radically love someone through their struggles, perhaps you should step down from that role.

Stephanie Pelka is one of the most merciful people I've ever known. She forgives me even when I can't forgive myself. She never tells me that my wrongdoing is "ok". She is honest, and truthful whenever I tell her my heart. If I'm in the wrong, she is always up front about it. Yet, here's the thing, She has never withdrawn from me when I'm not doing what is right. She loves me through each of my countless bad choices. When I stumble spiritually, or when I rebel against God's will, she remains. Steph is the first person to celebrate with me when I come back around. I thank God daily that He has blessed me with my sister Steph. It's comforting to know that I can lay my darkest truths at her feet, and she won't run screaming.

It's people like this who truly reflect the heart of Christ in my life. Where would I be without unconditional love?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mandy you are truly blessed to have great friends that you can count on. Ones that will be honest and loving no matter what choices you make. But most important is "to have friends you have to be a friend first" and I think that is what you have been to many. Keep up the good work in being a friend who loves unconditionally. Love, Mrs. H.