Wednesday, May 18, 2005


In the last few days, I've been wrestling with a lot of junk in my head. Being in the middle of some really dark times is getting exhausting. I have doubts, and fears, and hurts. I have friends who have withdrawn from me. I have questions about where my family will go from here. Laurie's death has rocked our family to its core. It has drawn us closer and blown us apart all at the same time. I wish I could take away the hurting, but that's just not how life works. So as usual, I turn to music for comfort. I was listening to an old favorite for some peace in my heart, when I stumbled across this song. It made me cry. This song is so true. I have no control of anything around me. I can't protect myself from the actions or choices of others. But, I can be in love with my crazy, messed up, fun loving, intense, challenging, broken, healing family. As Laurie herself put it "the world's greatest family that I'm thrilled and honored to be a part of".

by Dolly Parton & Carl Perkins
When it's family, you forgive them for they know not what they do
When it's family, you accept them, 'cause you have no choice but to
When it's family, they're a mirror of the worst and best in you
And they always put you to the test
And you always try to do your best
And just pray for God to do the rest, when it's family
Some are preachers, some are gay
Some are addicts, drunks and strays
But not a one is turned away, when it's family
Some are lucky, others ain't
Some are fighters, others faint
Winners, losers, sinners, saints, it's all family
And when it's family you trust them and your heart's an open door
When it's family, you tolerate what you'd kill others for
When it's family, you love and hate and take, then give some more
Somehow you justify mistakes, try to find some better way
To solve the problems day to day, in the family
You take the trouble as it comes and love them more than anyone
Good or bad or indifferent, it's still family
You choose your lovers, you pick your friends
Not the family that you're in, nah
They'll be with you 'til the end, 'cause it's family
And when it's family, you forgive them for they know not what they do
When it's family, they're a mirror of the worst and best in you
When it's family, when it's family
Let me be all that I should be to the family

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mandy, I love that song. I wish it could be played on here. The words poured out truth. Your family, Love them no matter what. Family, Love them no matter how embarrassed you are of them. Family, love them even if they don't have a shining career. Family, love them, cherish them, spend time with them. Don't make them feel unloved. That song spoke big to me. love you Mandy.