Friday, September 16, 2005

Adventures in Babysitting Part II

Tonight I have the privilege of spending the evening with four of my favorite people. Heidi, Denver, Maya, and Isaiah are all spending the night in my house. For such a small condo, I really know how to squeeze them in! I love nights like these. I love hanging out with these kids and learning who they are becoming. I'm blessed to be trusted with these cuties. That's the thing about Katie. She's the one person to date, that has always trusted me with her babies. One of my most treasured memories, is the day I held her daughter in my arms. She was about 40 hours old. I know several people who wouldn't let a fairy princess hold their 10 month old. But not Katie. She trusted me from the start. I'm humbled by that trust. I've never really babysat before these guys. I hope I don't mess up. It is my hope that as these children grow, staying in Mandyland becomes a treasured time. I hope I can be to them, what Aunt Joey was to us as kids. =) The one who didn't have kids, so instead made us all feel like we belonged to her.=)

1 comment:

Bigger than Me said...

First, miss Amanda, I've said it before, and I'll say it again...I do not merely TRUST you with my kids, I RELY on you to help grow them up! My dear, sweet friend Debbi (who I am praying for to the depths of my heart today) pointed out to me that raising kids is a family affair...grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, not just moms and dads. My kids deserve to be well raised, and that means being smooshed in love, time, affection, and teaching from all the people God has put in their lives! You are FAR more than a babysitter, you are an instrument in directing thier lives! (Plus, you are one of the most fun people in their lives, and they are so excited they could spit!) Lub!