Thursday, September 01, 2005

What Really Matters?

As I watch on CNN as New Orleans becomes a mass of washed away possessions, buildings, lives, I hear stories of people searching for lost belongings. It forces me to consider my own life. What would I scramble for if my world was about to wash away? What possessions would I try to save? Do I own anything that I could not live without? I honestly don't think so. I have tons of "stuff" but does any of it matter? There are things that I love, that would be heartbreaking to lose. Pictures of my family, letters from my Mom, paintings, autographed books, blankets made by Grandma... All of it is important, but none of it matters in the big picture. I think the last eight years have taught me not to hold on too tight. Everything on this earth (including our loved ones) is bound to pass away. I think I've reached a numb place where lose simply doesn't shock me anymore. I grieve for those who are just now learning this truth. It's such a painful life lesson. My prayers go up this week for the survivors of Katrina's wrath. God, grant them peace in the middle of this devastation.

So, the question remains. What would you take with you? What really matters to you?

1 comment:

Kim said...

My heart breaks as I watch the news & see all of those people suffering. My heart especially breaks when I see a child suffering. They don't have diapers, formula, clothes...and the parents must feel so helpless. I try and put myself in their shoes and just cannot imagine the pain they are feeling. I pray that God watches over all of them and embraces them in His loving arms.

Re:your question...

I don't have many things I would try to take. When I evacuated last year, I packed the car with the kids birth certificates, other important documents, and stuff they would need...water, food, diapers, wipes, etc. The only materialistic thing I brought was my stuffed rabbit that I have had since I was born. He goes everywhere with me. lol