Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Surprised by Joy...

Our God is so good!

I can't speak for anyone else, but for the last three weeks I have felt crushed. I've found it difficult to breathe. I've felt as if moments of true happiness may be lost forever. But God is still here. In the midst of this unbearable pain, He has given me glimpses of joy. A friend who hugs me for no reason. An encouraging note on a blog. A chance to laugh with friends. These things lift my spirits. I'm still broken, and my life will forever be altered by recent events. Tomorrow, It may be harder to find a light moment. Yet God has shown me that joy is still present, even in grief. I may be in the middle of a truly dark storm, but God promises me the sun. I'm so thankful to see that far down the road. My sunny days to come...


Barb K said...

Well, Mandy, as those sunny days start coming, you know I am the keeper of the sunglasses! So good to hear you thoughts...Thanks for keeping up the prayer; that is the absolute best thing we can be doing for each other. I love you. Aunt Barb

Steph said...

Hey Girl!!

I just want you to know that I love you so much!!

Bigger than Me said...

Mandy, you are such a blessing. Thank you for continuing to make me smile! I love you, you little fairy princess!