Sunday, March 27, 2005

The Ya Ya Sisterhood...

There are a handful of women in this world who can call themselves "Club Girls". I for one am blessed to be one of them. These ladies are there when I need them. We laugh together. We cry together. We drink together! =) These woman have been a part of each other's lives for so long, none of us can remember a time when we weren't family. Our mothers forged the initial friendship (the core if you will), but as this next generation of extraordinary women matured, we too created our "Club". Much like the Ya Ya Sisterhood, these women share trials, secrets, and moments of down right hilarity. Where would I be without these girls?

Heidi- You are my sister and my best friend. Your friendship and care are more precious to me than any gold.
Katie- Cousin of my life, sister to my soul. I love you more than you may ever know. I'm blessed to have you for my "judgment free" friend.

Jen- I have more childhood memories involving you than ones without you. I'm so glad we have each other still.

Steph- Long before you were my sister, you were my friend. God has truly blessed my life with your passion and your zeal. I can't wait till we all get to do the "running man" together!

I'm so thankful for this crazy mix of girlfriends! I hope I never lose sight of how important their support is.

Ladies, I love you all!

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