Thursday, August 18, 2005

I Have a Dream...

Last night at church I had a personal break through, or maybe a breakdown, but whatever. The point is that God clearly showed me my purpose for existing last night. At 25, I've got it. And I'm going to change the world!

Our new pastor was speaking about his disabled son last night. I'm sure that the rest of our congregation found it 100% moving and inspirational. In all honesty, I was more like 10% moved, and 90% ill. For the record, before I go on, I really admire our new pastor, and his son is a true inspiration! There were just a few things said that made my skin crawl. It's my blog, I can be honest.

To start things off, he used the term HANDICAP numerous times. I can make exception's for folks who are new to "The Princess Community", but when a man who has lived with a disabled person for 17 years uses that vile term, my hackles go up. For those whom are not in the know, the term originated back in the days when the only job a disabled person could aspire to was to sit on a street corner and HAND OUT THEIR CAP for money. I understand that when people use this term today, they are not deliberately calling someone a beggar, but there it is. The fact that the word still graces street signs, and parking spaces amazes me.

However, that was a mild offense compared to what followed. As the pastor told the story of his son's birth, my heart genuinely went out to him. He was speaking honestly about the fears and struggles he experienced in the early part of his little boy's life. I commend him for his honesty. I can well imagine his fear of the unknown. But then he said that he had to ask himself if he could love his child... Something sick and ugly twisted inside of me. And then it broke free!

I do not blame anyone for feeling these things. We live in a world that praises a myth called perfection. I have news for the world. Every man, and woman on the planet was born flawed. And even the healthiest person in the world is still damaged. In fact, the pastor did eventually come around to this point. In this world, beautiful rising stars, snap and go over the edge (literally). Superman becomes a quadriplegic. This is the truth about the world we live in.

So what's my dream? How do I fit in the "Big Picture"? God is using me. He has equipped me to speak up in the face of this disillusion. I'm here to shine a light on reality. People are broken, but God does His best work with broken! I want to cast a vision for parents with disabled kids ( a support through the journey to the unknown). I want to motivate people to use their gifts. I want to be a part of changing how the world perceives limitations. I want to teach other people to except their limitations, and still strive for greatness! My life is a living example of the Serenity Prayer... But then, shouldn't we all live this out?

HELP ME! To accept the things I can not change.
Grant me COURAGE! To change the things I can...
Give me WISDOM! To know the difference.


Bigger than Me said...

Mandy, I love seeing God call you, and seeing you listen! I am proud of you, and I can't wait to watch the journey of changing the world! You are lubbed!

Gail said...

Very good Mandy. Awesome!! You go and conquer the world and speak out. Maybe you'll speak in Colorado.. Yea..

becca said...

You should totally learn to play football.
