Thursday, August 11, 2005


Yesterday I spent the day up at teen camp. I love being up there with family, friends, and 200 young people yearning to know Jesus. I love seeing the campers mixed in with camp staff family members. Toddlers and teens, and everything in between. What a neat place to see God at work...

I have to be honest though, Laurie was haunting me there. Memories of our childhood years up at camp crashed in around me. Images flashed before me as I strolled the campus. Laurie, riding in my lap at age 5. Laurie, playing Frisbee on the grounds. Laurie, worshiping with total abandon in chapel. Ari and I both said we could picture her dancing in the isles last night.

I met some amazing young people Wednesday. Even as I enjoyed their company, there was a part of me praying that they would hold on to what they learned up here. I prayed that they would carry their faith home with them this year. That they would grow deeper in love with God as they mature. I prayed too, that they would allow themselves the freedom to question, and explore the depths of their faith. My mother used to say "Dig deep. Ask the tough questions. If you hit absolute rock bottom, you'll find Jesus." I pray for the courage of all Christians to dive deep, and bravely question their foundation. We do not serve a "Wizard of Oz" God! We will never pull back the curtain and be disillusioned by what we find. So my 10 minutes of prayer today goes up for bravery and boldness in our continuing journey.

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