Monday, August 01, 2005

An Update.

I'm now seriously looking for a new assistant. I had to fire my assistant Friday. I hate to be the bad guy, but it was necessary. No matter how much I may like someone, I can't keep working with them if they are going to be unreliable. I'm interviewing someone tonight. Please pray for me.

On a positive note: I had the privilege of meeting Debbi Dunlap yesterday. What an amazing lady! I so enjoyed getting to know her.

I also have to say a HUGE thank you to Heidi, and Marie for all their support lately. Thanks to these wonderful people, I've been well cared for in times of great distress. Marie, I can't thank you enough for saving my butt over the last several days! I love you bunches, and I'd be lost without you.


1 comment:

Gail said...

Mandy, keep me updated on your assistant. I hope and pray the perfect person is sent from heaven just for you. Love and prayers...Aunt Gail