Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Odds and Ends...

My life is moving at an insane pace. August has slipped past me in a blink. I wish my body could keep up. I think my insides are rebelling against me. I have a kidney infection, and an 8 day headache. I have to visit the doctor and have some tests run. All part of the fun of Princess life I suppose. I'll be ok though. I know so many people who are going through worse.

Two weeks ago I bought laminate flooring for my house. I'm so excited to have it installed! For those of you who have seen my current carpeting, you can imagine my joy. I'll have to take before and after photos for the rest of you.

My new assistant Jackie is fantastic! Except Thursday she broke her ankle and now Moogi (her sister) is filling in. Moogi and I get along great though, and with the exception of a few language barriers, things have gone smoothly. I can't thank God enough for sending me an assistant with a built in backup person!

Last weekend I got to spend time with some of my favorite people. It felt good to be among friends. I also got a compliment on Saturday that may have my head inflated for the next month or so. A very attractive man told me that my smile is "stunning" and that I'm "very beautiful". Talk about good for my ego! I never think of myself as attractive, so it's nice when I'm caught by surprise like that...

This week I began planning my sister's 30th Birthday party. I'm positive I will have more to say on the subject as time draws nearer... For now, I've rented a banquet hall, and made up a guest list. Thank God it's not a surprise party! That means I can let Heidi pick her own decorations. She loves stuff like that... (see her blog about Hobby Lobby). Now, I need to pick out a costume... hmmm... Too many choices. Any suggestions?

Saturday I'm getting together with the Club Girls. I can't wait! It's always a joy when our little band of Ya Ya's gather. It should be a blast!

That's what's new in MandyLand... I hope all is well in your world.

God Bless,

1 comment:

Kim said...

I hope you are feeling better!

Thank you so much, for your kind note. Your notes always make me smile and make me happy. I was having a stressful day, until I read what you wrote me :)