Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Things That Make Me Go AHHHHHHHHHHH!

1. Ignorance, in all it's forms.
2. People who claim not to believe in God, but are still quick to blame Him for all the negative stuff of life.
3. People who ask about Laurie out of morbid curiosity, instead of concern for my family.
4. Dishonesty. How hard is it to let your yes be yes, and your no be no?
5. Bullies.
6. Cheaters.
7. Criminals.
8. Christians who would rather denounce the title, than try to fix what's broken.
9. People who complain about our world without trying to fix it.
10. People who pity me.
11. Intolerance.
12. Cruelty.
13. Freedom of speech without being able to say the name of Jesus.
14. Political Correctness.
15. Reality TV.
16. The world's lack of sugar free Twinkies.
17. Social Security telling me I'm no longer disabled and I owe $12,000.00.
18. Discrimination.
19. Gas Prices!
20. Long drawn out debates over, judgment, discernment, and proper parenting.

These are the things that currently make me want to scream. Now that I've written them down, perhaps I'll breathe easier. Have a great day everyone!



Kim said...

I share some of these thoughts. lol

Anonymous said...

Mandy, seeing that debates and discussions piss you off, should we stick to only talking about the mundane and the the weather? Please! Discussions are healthy. And people ask your family questions because Laurie's story has gripped them and they care, not because they are malicious. And third, freedom of speech does exist. You are free to say the name of Jesus as much as you like -- after all, churches are still in operation -- just don't expect the public governement to endorse any religion, because religious freedom is just as important as freedom of speech. You know, ignorence does piss me off, too!

PixieGirl said...


I thank you for your perspective. I honestly do welcome comments and insights from people who do not share my views. However, I am suprised at the level of hostility in your comments. My blog was not targeting anyone. I welcome any and all to join the discussions here. I'm just really tired of the whole "judgment topic" it's been floating around the blogs of my friends and family, and frankly, I think it's tired. There are some things that people will never agree on, so why beat a dead horse? And as far as parenting goes, comments made on my cousin's blog were hurtful and uninformed. I'm tired of seeing my wounded family take a beating from "Anonymous" comentators. Am I not allowed to feel that way? Debbi was right in saying that #3 was related to a small group of tactless people. I understand that Laurie's death has rocked many people (including those who never met her) but there is a distinct line between curiously concerned, and flat out rude.

Gail said...

Mandy, let me add one...People who tell you what "YOU SHOULD DO", Like they are some 'perfect person'. People who don't understand you have asked forgivness over, and over, and over about wrong things you've done in your life. Even tho You have already been forgiven by Jesus, yet they want to rub in how truly unperfect you are. And how terrible of a mother I was. People who like to be control of everyone else's life. Why, don't they have one of their own? I AM DOWN RIGHT SICK OF THESE KIND OF PEOPLE. And then they tell you they "care" about you. Ha ha. Love you Mandy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!