Friday, April 08, 2005

How Great is our God?!?!

I can't believe how amazing our God is! He is faithful to provide for my needs even when things seem impossible. Last night, with the help of an incredible couple, God blessed my socks off!
If you've read back through my blog you may have seen my "10 Things..." list. One of those things on my list was to see the ocean. Friends, I will soon be able to check this off the list. A friend of mine approached me last night and informed me that he and his wife have been praying for me and they feel lead to send me and a friend of my choosing on a Walt Disney Cruise! They were originally planning an anniversary trip to Europe, but decided that now is just not the right time. Rather, they both felt called to offer me this HUGE BLESSING! Can you even believe it?! I will see the ocean (I may even swim in it). I will visit the place that brings me my favorite memories of my mother. This is so much more than I could ever have dreamed of...
The wonderful couple that has provided this blessing has asked that they not be known (outside of me of course). They wanted to make it clear to me that this is not a gift from them. "Give God the credit" he said. Well you know what? I will! Praise God for making such generous people! Praise God for granting me a sunny day in the midst of this darkness! Praise God for showing me yet again that I matter to Him!

God bless you all!


Bigger than Me said...

Mandy, that is so cool! I am so excited for you! When you swim in the ocean, don't forget to remember our "disney pool talks" and think about Hannah chopping wood! I love you, and praise God for you, and for blessing you!

McKinley Ann said...

I met you about two years ago in August at Willow Creek. I was visiting Laurie about a month after we had both returned home from Queretaro, where I spent two awesome months with her. She was so excited to introduce you to me, because she loved you so much. She spoke so highly of you! I am so thankful to God that He is providing for you in very special ways, and that you have continued to glorify Him in the midst of difficult circumstances. You are quite a beautiful person!
McKinley, from Kentucky

Barb K said...

Sooo sweet. Mandy, I am thrilled for you and thankful for your benefactors.

PS You were quite the dancer last night at the wedding.

Love you, Aunt Barb