Thursday, July 07, 2005

Dear Friend,

Without saying your name, I feel sure you'll know this letter is for you.

I see you (the real you), and I think you are beautiful. I wish I could make you see your own value. You have a smile that lights up a room. It has been a while since that smile reached your eyes though, and I'm beginning to worry. How can you not see how much joy is there for you? Are you losing your way? Can I help you find it again? Please don't let yourself buy into Satan's lies. You are a child of God! You deserve to be treated like the royalty you are! Don't settle for less. I know you get lonely. I know you worry about the future. Fear Not! God is with you! And even if you never find that "perfect relationship", know that you're never alone. Satan has tried to rob you of your identity in Christ. You are convinced that you are lacking in some way, or that you are being punished for past choices. Please don't believe that lie... God is JUST, but never cruel. Lay your past at His feet, and leave it behind you. Head into your future with great hope and purpose! My favorite thing about you is the way you love others. I long for the day when I see you extend as much grace to yourself.

Thank you for always loving me better than I deserve. I hope you will allow me to return the favor one day. Until that time, know that you are loved. Know that I pray for you daily by name. Know that the creator of Heaven and Earth made you intentionally!

Love Always,



Kim said...

That is such a beautiful letter. Your friend is so lucky to have you in her life. :)

Anonymous said...

that brought tears to my eyes