Thursday, July 14, 2005

From Where I'm Standing...Err Sitting...

Tuesday night, I rented Million Dollar Baby. I knew there was some upset in the "fairy princess community" when this film first came out, but to be honest I didn't understand what the hoopla was all about. I'm not a crazed advocate or a bitter "challenged person". I'm comfortable with my limitations and I try to cut society some slack when it comes to general ignorance and plain old stupidity. I understand that our world doesn't quite get it, and I've come to terms with the stares, stairs, questions, inaccessibility, etc. It's all part of the journey. I've never been afraid to speak out against injustices, but I try to keep everything in perspective.

That being said...

What an utter load of crap that was! My blood was boiling by the end of the movie. It's bad enough that our culture has an "if it's broken, throw it out" mentality, but this movie glorified the mind set to an ugly extreme. Like there is courage in giving up. As if being disabled justifies ending your life. Despair comes when you stop playing the hand you've been dealt. This isn't just true of disabled people. If everyone threw in the towel when life took an unexpected turn, we'd ALL be dead! I am so sick of this $#!%!!!!

We abort babies with disabilities, convincing ourselves that it's better this way... Better for whom?
We spend billions each year on cosmetic surgery, trying to improve our looks. Maybe if we spent less time on appearance, and more time on our hearts, we would actually like who we see in the mirror each morning!

Is it so impossible to understand that perfection is a mirage? When will we devote our energies to the stuff that really matters?

You know who I think deserves our movie going dollar? The makers of MURDERBALL. This is a film about a Rugby team comprised entirely of quadriplegic daredevils. Now that's worth seeing!


Barb K said...

You go, girl. You are beautiful when you're mad! Oh, wait a minute. You are beautiful inside and out, all the time. Way to speak out, Mandy. Your head is on very straight. Who better than you to speak out to the realities of disabilities, the good and the bad, than you? Love, Aunt Barb

Kim said...

We abort babies with disabilities, convincing ourselves that it's better this way... Better for whom?
We spend billions each year on cosmetic surgery, trying to improve our looks. Maybe if we spent less time on appearance, and more time on our hearts, we would actually like who we see in the mirror each morning!

I have asked myself that question many many times. Too often, I see people striving for perfection and worrying about things that shouldn't even matter.

You are awesome...I love the way you write. :)

Jackie R. said...

AMEN. I love what you said - that is GREAT.

That movie totally pissed me off. (Disclaimer, no I didn't see it but I have read many synopsis and some script)

What I hate is that it was propaganda - totally misrepresented.