Thursday, July 28, 2005

I Wonder...

What would life look like if I laid it all down? If I poured out the junk and allowed God to clean house... No doubt it would be a painful procedure, but I have a feeling that quicker is better. Like ripping off a bandage, or resetting a break, I bet the longer you take, the more suffering is involved. What if I could let go of past hurts? How would my life change if I no longer felt that sting? People have wronged me! Yet I have also wounded others... I have done more damage to my self than I can even recall. The fear, anxiety, depression, heartache, all of it is not what God has for me. So what would it feel like to start over fresh? I'm committed to finding out. I'll have to delve into this and see where it leads me.... What would life look like, if I became the me, I was born to be? I wonder...

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