Thursday, July 21, 2005

How Selfish Am I?


I've been thinking. Once again I'm spending WAY to much time on self analysis. SHAME ON ME! How are you all doing? Please help me turn my mind around. If you could just click "Comments" and let me know how I can be praying for YOU, that would be excellent! I'd really appreciate a chance to talk to God about anything other than my own crazy head. Feel free to post anonymously if you need to. Thanks all!


1 comment:

becca said...

Hi Manders!

It's crazy becca from the train again. I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to talk about myself.

I am currently playing nursemaid to my friend who is recovering from a NOSE JOB!

Do I win a prize for the best post or anything? I love prizes.

All the best,

PS - If you must relay a message to God, I suppose you could ask him to help me direct the church choir in a couple of weeks. Thanks.