Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Artichokes, Coconuts, Sand Dollars, and Me...

Ever notice how some of the best stuff needs to be broken or ripped apart before you get to the good part? I think that's what my life is teaching me. I could hold it all together, and "make nice" with the world. I could put on a happy face and charm your socks off. Or, I can choose to be brave. I can break it all down. I can shatter everything and rebuild. I can get raw, and honest, and ugly... That's when it gets beautiful. I don't ever want to fake being me. It's dangerous and unhealthy. This may mean I make a few less friends. This may mean disappointing people with my actions. Too damn bad! I choose me. I choose wellness. I choose to be comfortable in my own skin. Wouldn't it be beautiful if we could all just get real with each other? A powerful force like that could change the world.


Gail said...


Anonymous said...

I absolutely agree. It is like an onion. No tears until you start peeling away at the layers and get to the painful stuff inside. So like you to articulate your thoughts so beautifully.

Oodles of Doodles