Friday, October 28, 2005

Hello Dolly!

This is going to be a GREAT Friday... Tonight after work, Becca and I are having dinner with Uncle Mike and Aunt Joey downtown. We are headed to Cereality. It's this fun new restuaraunt that serves nothing but cereal! Pretty much any cereal, and topping you can imagine is available at this place. It should be excellent! Aunt Joey and I both said that this seems like our kind of dinner...
After dinner, Becca and I are headed to The Chicago Theatre to see Dolly Parton. I'm so thrilled, I could spit! It's been a few years since I've seen her perform live and I'm just bursting with excitement. For those of you who know me, you know my long standing love of all things Dolly. She is for me, what Eminem is for Drew. She's a passion, and a safe place. Her music is where I go to heal. For years now she has comforted me. I even got to meet her when I was 15. I can close my eyes now and still feel her hug. I can't wait! God is just blessing my socks off this week! It feels so good to have my little ducks in a row again. There is such joy in having things to look forward to! Thank you again to all my prayer warriors. I can't express to you all how greatful I am to have people looking out for me. If I can return the favor one day I will. For now, just know I love you and that I feel blessed by your presence in my life.

1 comment:

Heidi Miller said...

Mand, I love you and am so happy that things are looking up now. May your heart be light and head be clear tonight. Have a GREAT time!!! You deserve it!!!