Tuesday, October 11, 2005


What an awesome weekend... I kicked it off Friday with dinner and singing. Marie and Becca came over after work to hang out and eat dinner. Thanks to Becca, I now have some fresh pictures of Diva. Saturday, my best friend Kim came to mandy land to meet my puppy and catch up. I had a blast! We watched Six Feet Under, picked pumpkins with Heidi, and had a visit with Aunt Barb. Too fun! Sunday, I relaxed at home with my Diva (no potty mistakes all day!), and then I watched Cinderella with Sandy. Anyone who knows me, knows how much I LOVE Disney! Yesterday, I was off from work for Columbus Day. Lil Jenny and I went to a movie... In Her Shoes was good, but a little heavier than I was looking for. I'm still trying to find someone to go see Corpse Bride, and W&G with me. On the whole, it was a great weekend. I saw some of my favorite people. I relaxed. It was perfect. My life spins so fast lately, It's nice to slow down for a moment and breathe.


becca said...

I had a blast, too. I'm all over Corpse Bride and W/G...just say when!


Kim said...

I am glad you had a great weekend! Diva is so adorable and I love the name. :)

Hmmm...I was going to say something else, but my mind went blank! OOPS. lol

Gail said...

Mandy, Diva is just soooo cute. I wish I was there to hold her. Your hair is so very red. Wow. Did Molly do it?
Hey you said you got to see Six Feet Under. Do you have all of them? I would love to borrow them if you do. I loved that show. You sound happy and that is so very good too. I love you....A.Gail