Laurie once said that people will always fail you, but God never does. I believed that then, and I believe that now. I just wish I had known at the time that it was true of all people. In this year alone, Laurie has done more damage to my major relationships, than all the heartaches of my 25 years combined...
The worst part though, is that the part that went spiraling downhill hasn't quite repaired itself yet. The ripple effect of hurt keeps moving along. I could handle that, if it were not for the pain I see in the eyes of my niece and nephews. Every day we all lose a chunk of our innocence. The sparkle dims a bit and we learn to "handle" one more "thing". My heart burns for my family. I wish I could freeze time and bubble wrap the broken bits.
I can't fix it though. I have no power here. So, instead I'll do the only thing that matters. I will choose to daily consult the Maker of All Things. If He can form the heavens and the earth, surely He can look after one small suburban family. I am praying for small miracles.
I pray that in 2006 He:
I'm so tired of running in circles. This New Year I vow to stop. We only get one turn around on this great ride called life. Lets not squander it. Let's all try to remember that every moment is truly a gift!